Thursday, November 30, 2006

'tis the season

'tis the season, originally uploaded by schoolio.

It's never too early to start preparing for Christmas and this is the first shot of many, many Christmas ornaments. I'm looking forward to picking up on Christmas again after taking last year off and I've got the perfect person in my life to help me out.

Let it be Christmas.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Train-eye view

Train-eye view, originally uploaded by schoolio.

A two-year-old's birthday is an occasion to remember, but mostly for the parents. :) It was a pleasure to attend Conner's 2nd birthday party and I couldn't help but drop down to the floor and catch a shot of Conner playing with his new favorite toys from the Thomas the Train set. I'm sure sure which is Thomas and which is Harold (Connor surely knows) but it was fun nonetheless.

Happy birthday, little guy.