Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sonoma private drive

Sonoma private drive, originally uploaded by schoolio.

Heading back to our place after yet another wonderful day in Sonoma, we ran across this driveway. Absolutely stunning.

There's a gate in front of it but for an enterprising photographer, pushing the lens through a section of the gate is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pickin' time at Foppiano

Pickin' time at Foppiano, originally uploaded by schoolio.

Another of my favorites from Sonoma, CA.

I like the way the grapes are just packed into the bunches. The colors... the full, ripe, juicy bunches... somebody needs to do some pickin'.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Foppiano fall harvest

Foppiano fall harvest, originally uploaded by schoolio.

One of my favorite grape shots from our recent trip to Sonoma, CA.

All the signs are there: it's harvest time at Foppiano.