Friday, February 19, 2010

Heart warmer (aka contributing to global warming) (52SYL Week 8)

Our little heart warmer.

Makes winter much more tolerable.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hiding out in the hoarfrost

Hiding out in the hoarfrost, originally uploaded by schoolio.

I just love when we get a crack at some hoarfrost. We had a busy morning planned but Melissa encouraged me to get out the door and catch the hoarfrost before it disappeared - good call.

This was her fave. The frost was just perfect and I liked discovering the little pine cone that's been hiding out since last fall. Hang in there li'l buddy - spring is just around the corner!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mom's kisses make me happy (52SYL Week 7)

If you ever wanted to see a snapshot of the love shared between a mother and her son, I think this is it.

After a nice winter walk, Roman and Melissa shared a moment of snuggles, kisses, and laughter. Who says infants and winter don't mix?


Thrilled!, originally uploaded by schoolio.

Who could not love this expression?!?!?!?